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some petty noble and my identity revealed. I ran and as I ran so I struck three shrew blows that crunched
in on black-feathered hats.
The blue coolness of an alley served to conceal me, but I ran on and took no notice of any who sought
to stop me. At last I reached the Tunnel of Delight and passed through onto the brilliant Kyro of Jaidur
Omnipotent with the hard-edged double shadows of the Forlaini Hills Aqueduct lying across the broad
smooth paving stones. I slowed down and walked. People paid me no heed. Everyone was about private
business. Riots were more common now than anyone could remember since the third party sought to
topple the emperor. I forced myself not to tremble. What could the emperor be about? What was the old
fool doing? Didn t he know how this evil creed of Chyyanism had taken so strong a grip upon his citizens
of Vondium that a religious procession, one of the most sacred rites of Opaz, could be set upon,
attacked, beaten and scattered? Were the racters all blind or fools?
Why was the canker of Chyyanism being allowed to eat out the heart of Vondium the Proud?
The Sisters of the Rose are kind to me
The chief lady of the Sisters of the Rose, whose rank and title and name would never be revealed to me
if the Sisters had their way, condescended to see me. The message reached the Iron Anvil as I sat, not
drinking, sharpening up my old knife, sitting alone in a dark corner of the inn. The smiths talked about
their trade and of bad times for business and of the latest consignment of copper to arrive down the
Great River and of the price of tin. The serving girl, a little Fristle fifi, whispered that strangers wished to
speak with me, so I rose and went outside, the bamboo held ready. Cloaked figures riding zorcas
awaited me. I mounted the animal they provided and with only the single word  Rose! uttered between
us, followed where they led.
While it would not be proper for me to reveal all the circumstances of the meeting, I can say that through
it all I had no sense of being ridiculous, of acting the fool. Here was I, a fearsome fighting warrior,
renowned swordsman, savage clansman, told to strip off, to wrap a piece of white cloth about my loins,
to stand meekly in a room with two samphron-oil lamps shining up, leaving the end of the room
partitioned by a pierced ivory screen in absolute darkness.
From the screen the soft rustle of feminine garments told me that the chief lady did not wear hunting
leathers or the grim panoply of war, as many of the Sisters did. And this was fit and proper. The Sisters
of the Rose, after all, is a female order, and girls do not have to ape the ways of men. Although when
they do, by Zair, they often are very good indeed.
 You wished to speak with me, Kadar the Hammer. Your request was put most forcefully; a very strong
case was made out for you. Why do you plead to see me?
I said,  I think, lady, you know my name.
 Kadar the Hammer. A light tinkle of laughter.  Is that your question? You had forgotten your name?
 I can never forget. I do not know yours. In that, you have the advantage, lady.
The laughter stilled. Then:  I know you. I can tell you nothing.
I flared up.  This is not good enough! I must know where my Delia is. Is she safe? Is Dayra safe? Just
that, just that to put my heart at rest.
If this powerful and secret woman decided to obey the emperor s orders and handed me over to him,
there would be a few broken skulls. That I knew. But that was a trifle.
 A man s heart, aye! Now there is a wonderfully elastic object.
 I did not come to bandy words. Tell me, for the sweet sake of Opaz.
 Your Dayra has been . . . is causing. . . A hesitation and then, in a sharper tone:  Your Dayra is
proving a true daughter of a wayward father.
 And if I am wayward that I do not quarrel with. But you have educated Dayra! I have been away and I
own my fault in that. But Dayra 
 Do not blame the SoR for all! We teach chastity and humility and pride. We teach a girl that she is a
girl, and in this world a girl must be as good as a man. Not better. As good. We are all people in the sight
of Opaz, the manifestation of the Invisible Twins. Dayra could not exist without a man and a woman.
 And I am that man! I bellowed, despite my promise to myself to behave.  And I ask about the
An indrawn breath. Would I be hurled out? Would a steel-tipped shaft drive through? Would  exotic
thought  a bevy of half-naked damsels seek to destroy me by women s wiles?
Then:  I shall tell you, Kadar the Hammer, that the woman of whom you speak is alive and well and
reasonably happy. She goes with her eldest daughter in search of her wayward daughter. When they are
successful they will return.
So that explained why Lela, as well as Dayra, had not visited their father in Vondium.  Suppose they are
not successful?
 That may well be. The task is difficult. But Opaz is all wise. If that should be her will then so be it.
Naturally Opaz, being the twinned life-force, could be either male or female.  If so, your lady and her
elder daughter will return.
 And is that all you will tell me?
 There is nothing more to tell. You are supremely fortunate even to have spoken with me, Kadar the
Hammer. The emperor is looking for a smith to sharpen up the edge of his headsman s ax.
That was as clear a warning as you could desire, or not, considering.
The rustle of clothes told me she was leaving. There were a thousand questions buzzing in my stupid [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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